Happy New Year Everyone!
We want to inform you that we will be hosting our annual UTTTC Singles Tournament with the Intramurals on Jan. 18th (Sunday).
Here are the details:
–Time: 11am – 4:30pm on Sunday Jan.18th (Co-ed singles start at 11am, Women’s event starts at 1pm)
–Location: AC Upper Gym
–Registration fee: FREE!!!
-Division A: 1st ($40 gift card with Intramural shirt), 2nd ($30 gift card), 3rd ($20 gift card)
-Division B: 1st ($20 gift card), 2nd ($10 gift card)
-Women’s event: 1st ($20 gift card), 2nd ($10 gift card)
-Co-ed Singles: Begin with round robin, top players go to Division A, bottom players go to Division B. Single elimination for both divisions afterwards.
-Women’s Singles: To be determined based on the number of registration
-Females can register for both categories.
-Sign up at: http://goo.gl/forms/sWViIM28qI
Note: Registrations are first come, first served based. Please register via the Google form to reserve a spot NOW!
UTTTC Exec Team