[FREE] 2015 Intramural Singles Tournament: Sunday, Jan. 18th

Happy New Year Everyone!

We want to inform you that we will be hosting our annual UTTTC Singles Tournament with the Intramurals on Jan. 18th (Sunday).

Here are the details:

Time: 11am – 4:30pm on Sunday Jan.18th (Co-ed singles start at 11am, Women’s event starts at 1pm)
Location: AC Upper Gym
Registration fee: FREE!!!
-Division A: 1st ($40 gift card with Intramural shirt), 2nd ($30 gift card), 3rd ($20 gift card)
-Division B: 1st ($20 gift card), 2nd ($10 gift card)
-Women’s event: 1st ($20 gift card), 2nd ($10 gift card)
-Co-ed Singles: Begin with round robin, top players go to Division A, bottom players go to Division B. Single elimination for both divisions afterwards.
-Women’s Singles: To be determined based on the number of registration
-Females can register for both categories.
-Sign up at: http://goo.gl/forms/sWViIM28qI

Note: Registrations are first come, first served based. Please register via the Google form to reserve a spot NOW!

UTTTC Exec Team