The University of Toronto Intramurals, the Athletic Centre and the Table Tennis Club invite you to represent your College, Department or Faculty at the UofT Intramural Table Tennis Tournament 2013.
Date: Sunday, March 10, 2013
Time: 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Where: Athletic Centre, UPPER GYM
Cost: FREE! (no deposit or bond required)
Eligibility: UofT students, staff, faculty.
To participate, please SIGN UP BY EMAIL NOW!
Deadline: Friday, March 8 at 5 PM.
Subject: UofT Intramural Singles Tournament 2013
Full Name:
UofT Affiliation: (undergrad, grad, staff, faculty)
College, Faculty or Department: (see note below)
Intramural recognized colleges/faculties:
Architecture, Chestnut, Commerce, Dentistry, Engineering, Grad Studies (SGS), Grad House, Innis, Knox, Law, M.B.A., Medicine, Mississauga (UTM), Music, New, Nursing, OISE, Pharmacy, Physical Education (FPEH), PT/OT, Scarborough (UTSC), St Michael’s (SMC), Trinity/St. Hilda’s, University (U.C.), Victoria, Woodsworth, Wycliffe.
For more information please contact