Welcome to another season of Table Tennis at UofT! We are still busy planning and preparing for the new season. Our goal is to promote recreational and competitive Table Tennis at the University of Toronto!
We have a new home this year! We are very happy that the Athletic Centre is moving the table tennis practices to the Upper Gym! There will be a lot more space than the old Benson Room, and a great environment for table tennis.
The downside is that due to gym unavailability, practice sessions are reduced to twice a week: Mondays, 9-11 PM (Level I) and Wednesdays, 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM (Level 2). Please check the Practices Page for more details. Registration starts on September 8; practices start on September 21.
We will have other events, tournaments and intramurals throughout the year. Make sure to Join our Listserv to receive announcements.
We are looking forward to another great year of table tennis at UofT!