Want to play a tournament? Play a league? Play on a competitive team?
Now’s your chance! There are plenty of ways to play this year. Read below to see how to participate in all the pong-tivities.
Hart House Drop-In
Hart House practices are drop-in style between 8pm and 10pm. We are located in the Range Room, which is in the basement. You don’t need to scan your T-card to enter; just let the HH reception know you’re heading to the Range Room. If you need further directions, feel free to ask any of the HH staff as well!
Last year’s winners pictured above. This could be you this year!
UTTTC hosts an intramural league that runs throughout the Fall and Winter semesters. Members form teams, and play one game per week against other teams, with the winning team of the league receiving the Del Rio Cup.
If you have a team ready to face the challenge, sign up at the Athletic Centre, Goldring Centre for High Performance Sport or Varsity Centre by September 19th. There will be a deposit of $70 to register, which will be refunded as long as your team plays the required number of matches.
If you are still looking for teammates, click the link below.
Click here to register as an individual
Competitive Team
Think you got what it takes to compete for UofT?
Come out to tryouts! The first round will take place on September 16th and September 18th, in the table tennis courts in the Athletic Center. You only have to come for one day. We are excited to see what you got!
Intramural Tournament
Want to challenge someone on the court?
Our annual Fall tournament is coming up on September 28th, from 10PM to 5PM! The format will be round robin, followed by double elimination. You will have the opportunity to play a lot of matches, and there are tons of prizes up for grabs! To sign up for the tournament, go to the Athletic Centre, Goldring Centre for High Performance Sport or Varsity Centre, and fill out the form for the “Intramural Tournament”. There is no security deposit for the tournament.
Thanks for joining us this year.
We hope you are as excited for the new school year as we are. Make sure you’re in our Facebook group for all the detailed updates and check out our Instagram and website.
Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions or comments, or if you are looking for a partner to rally with. Let’s pong!